
When I perform beneath my values

By August 27, 2021 No Comments

Ever Perform Beneath Your Values?

I do. Here’s how I make progress, while embracing my flaws.


I sometimes perform beneath my values. For example, I sometimes notice vestiges of my own internalized homophobia. Other times, I hear passive aggression creeping into my voice. (Worth noting: I can’t stand homophobia, or passive aggression, when it comes from others.) A third example: When I want to, I eat meat and dairy. (Despite knowing that sentient beings suffered and/or died for my satisfaction.) 

The good news? I used to do each of the above things more than I currently do. I’ve made PROGRESS. I’ve closed some of the gap between my values and my performance. 

This brings me to the point of this article. How do we navigate the gap between our reality and our virtues? The answer, for me, is to “go in the middle.”

On one end of the spectrum: Perfection. Perfection looks like: having zero judgments; always speaking like a saint; and being a vegan. On the other end of the spectrum: Abandon. Abandon looks like: zero self-accountability, and zero consideration of others. 

If you’re reading this, chances are you strive to have some self-control. I know I do. What I’ve learned is that I must be honest with myself about what I’m capable of SUSTAINING at this moment. Learning to embrace the answer — even when it’s not perfect — is one of the hardest, best things I can do.

I have so much more to share on this topic, specifically regarding dietary choices for bodybuilding and joy. So, stay tuned. For now, I’ll close with a question, and I really do want to hear *your* response.

“What’s something you’re proud to have made progress with, even though it’s still not perfect?” 

Me, too, 




Author brandenhayward

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