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You’ve got a great body. But you crave an overhaul.

You need to look like a superhero. Like a porn God. 

You’ve hated losing results. And you’ve hated injuries.

You’d rather lock in longterm help, not just rent it.

A risk-free, money-back guarantee only seems fair to you.

Did I just describe you?

Then consider DreamBody.

If you consistently use DreamBody’s three features, you’ll organically add muscle. And lean out. With fewer injuries.

You’ll eventually look like you used HGH.  

DreamBody’s three standard features replenish annually. At no additional cost. 

1. Dream-Bodybuilding Workout Calendar

My premium digital workout program. Automatically available on your smartphone. 9 distinct phases. Each lasting six weeks. 

Traveling? No gym access? You’re covered with an additional, on-demand program. 

Build muscle and lean out, annually … with fewer injuries … if you follow Physique Fundamentals, below. 

2. Physique Fundamentals

Easy education and formulas to:

Perfect your calories and nutrients.

De-dramatize food logging, shopping, and prep.

Lift weights more effectively and safely.

Streamline your recovery, supplements, and self-talk. 

Plus much more.

All on video. All yours, on-demand, to own. 

 3. Workout Concierge 

Want help with your lifting form? Send me clips. Need any kind of workout guidance? Ask me questions. You’ll get my personalized feedback, on-demand.

Everything you upload into your workout app will be visible to me. (If you want it to be.) 

This service replenishes annually, at no additional cost to you. 

Bonus: Nutrition Prescription

You have the option to add a bonus feature. It’s a monthly subscription, for an additional investmentNow, it’s complimentary for your first 12 months. No obligation to continue.

Get my expert feedback on your progress photos and measurements. Get my advice on whether to prioritize muscle gain or fat loss. Get my private oversight on your nutrition intake and habits.

You’ll be given the option to complete 5 straightforward behaviors. Comply with these behaviors at least 87% of the time. I guarantee you’ll build and/or lean your physique by 10 pounds

If you hold up your end of the bargain, but don’t get the results, I’ll privately coach you for free until you do get the results.

Next step:

These are the workouts designed for overly crowded gyms


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