The 10+ Pound Results Guarantee’

Here are the five behavioral commitments you need to maintain throughout your first year to qualify for this first guarantee.

A) Upload your progress photos and measurements in your first week. Then keep uploading them every six weeks after that, as assigned in your workout calendar. You have a week’s grace period, each time.

B) Complete 85% of all assigned workouts, on the day they are scheduled, beginning March 21, 2022. (So, you may miss, or partially complete, up to 15% of your workouts.)

C) With the workouts you do complete, push yourself 85% of the way to muscular failure, using the principles in Lesson II of Physique Fundamentals.

D) Beginning March 25, 2022, log your entire food diary, 347 of the next 365 days.

You don’t have to log food intermittently throughout your day. It’s OK to log your diary at the end of each day.

But, logging your food diary on a subsequent day — while better than not logging at all — doesn’t count. 

So, you get 18 completely discretionary days. (That’s 5% of your first year.) These discretionary days are yours to do with as you please. You may skip logging completely. You may log only part of your day. You may overeat, or under-eat. (I highly recommend still hitting your protein goals these days.) 

E) Don’t miss your protein and caloric goals by more than 15%. I will have confirmed these numbers for you by April 1, 2022. So, consume between 85% and 115% of your calorie and protein targets, and you’re good. (Discretionary days are exempt.)


The food logging app you’ll use, MyFitnessPal, connects to Trainerize, the workout app, creating a portal through which I can view the data you’re putting into both apps.

While I have the capability to view essentially everything you’re doing, I only use your data for two purposes. 1) To inform answers and solutions I offer to you.  2) To verify your eligibility or ineligibility for the 10+ Pound Results Guarantee.

I do not criticize, or even hold accountable, clients who do not hold to their own stated goals. This is your journey, not mine. If you enroll in Nutrition Prescription, you are agreeing to be utterly, completely self-motivating.

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